<aside> 🔎 The major platform and discoverability tool for Mini Apps on TON is Telegram Apps Center (@tapps_bot). Its daily traffic ranges from 20k to 60k+ and it brings mini apps listed there up to 150k unique monthly visitors.

Telegram Apps Center also offers offers extended marketing support (Featuring) to TMAs with outstanding UX/UI and impressive user traction.


Formats of Support

General rules

Requirements for posts and push notifications

Posts in the ‘Trending Apps’ channel:

  1. Please add a bright and appealing image / GIF / video that showcases your product or news.

    Example 1: https://t.me/wallet_news/152 Example 2: https://t.me/wallet_news/117

    We also welcome appropriate memes and creative approaches.

    In case you struggle to create any visual, we can provide our assistance.

  2. Types of news accepted:

• general information on the product and your unique value proposition (usually, the first post that follows listing in tApps center)

important updates in your TMA (new features, changes in the interface)

special offers, airdrops, token or NFT collection launch, raffles, or collaborations with other projects.

  1. Prepare a clear and engaging text that targets the web2 user in the first place. Please bear in mind that most of the ‘Trending Apps’ followers may not be aware of complex web3 vocabulary.

Therefore, it is recommended that you create an appealing headline that shows your unique offering to the user, simplify the language and clearly convey the call to action (usually, ‘launch the bot’).

> Example 1
Example 2

It is allowed to add **tracking links** with UTM tags into the text.

Push notifications for the users of tApps center:

  1. The maximum length of a push notification is 50 words.

  2. The message is very clear and appealing and invites the user to get some offer or get involved in an interesting activity.

    Example 1: Waiting for the energy in Notcoin to be recharged? Don't get bored, raise your pet in Gatto and participate in competitions for prizes of $8500 🚀 Example 2:

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