About The Leagues

The Leagues aim at incentivising TON teams to improve performance and activate and grow their communities.

Updates on The Leagues are available in TON official Telegram channel, dedicated Open League Channel and TON Blog.

The general principles of the initiative are the joint effort of TON Foundation and the participants of the Leagues since the beta season that took place in March 2024. In the beta season, only a limited number of projects (18) was invited to participate in order to set a comprehensive framework for the future seasons. From Season #1 onwards, any TON project that complies with respective criteria is welcome to join the Leagues.

The participants of Leagues commit to adhering to the Rules of Conduct: The Open League Rules of Conduct. Any sign of the violation of those leads to immediate expulsion from TOL.

The participants shall also acknowledge that the rules and principles of The Leagues can be subject to change at any time throughout the implementation of the initiative.

Leaderboards, Prizes and Applications

  1. The Open League is a long-term initiative. Each season of the Leagues lasts for a particular period that is announced at the beginning of the season. Apart from that, breaks between seasons may be introduced.
  2. Projects can participate in 3 Leagues: App League, DeFi League (TVL and Volume Squads), NFT Battle.
  3. Teams that participated in the previous seasons are whitelisted to join the next season and therefore do not need to re-apply. That said, ahead of the start of every season, projects need to check the current eligibility criteria on their own (since those can be subject to change) and make sure they continue to comply with the entry requirements. Failure to comply by the start of the season will lead to an automatic removal from the League. The criteria are available on TONResearch.
  4. New teams are welcome to join the Leagues. Candidates apply on TONResearch. Only fully completed and detailed applications will be reviewed. The absence of any necessary information in the application will lead to its automatic rejection. All eligibility criteria shall be met by the time of submission.
  5. Only projects that applied within the allowed period can take part in the Leagues.
  6. Upon successful submission, the team should wait for The Open League Committee to process their application and get back with the decision on TONResearch.
  7. In exceptional cases and at any time throughout the season, a wild card can be granted. The wild card gives the team an opportunity to ****join The Leagues in the middle of the season without an official application on TONResearch and/or get an LP boost without necessarily ranking top in the previous season.
  8. The wild card can be given to new TON projects with impressive metrics right after the launch, projects with substantial traction that are deployed on other blockchains and are migrating to TON, as well as hackathon winners, TON accelerator alumni or other relevant categories.
  9. The results in the leaderboards at the end of the season are NOT final. All the metrics are then reviewed and recalculated by TOL Committee to exclude unfair and sybil activity and make sure all contracts were properly tracked.